Wednesday 12 September 2012

Profound times

Has it always been thus? Has it always been that those holding authority and power become so detached that simple humane acts become impossible to contemplate? Why does it take society so long to correct wrongdoing? The injustice and pain involved. The statement on the Hillsborough disaster will involve much outpouring. In the 'twitter age' we can see immediate evidence of this. I took to facebook with thoughts – perhaps another reflection of what we now do. And I suppose this is just one other example of the thoughts triggered by the statement on the report. Yet in the aftermath, and feelings of shock, other strands of thinking emerge perhapsreflecting this same vein of thought. I recall Bloody Sunday, the Birmingham Six and other injustices made in my time on earth. I cannot help but feel that at this particular moment in time we are witnessing a period of profound significance. Only history can determine its importance. Economic uncertainty, the bugging, hacking and surveillance undertaken by the third state, the collusion of Police in serious wrongdoing, global/regional conflicts and more. Am I alone in feeling that some fundamental pillars of state are under intense scrutiny? Language that followed the global economic meltdown seems appropriate to repeat. The tectonic plates are being shaken, the pieces are shattered.... Can we be sure how they will land? Democracy faces major challenges. For my children's sake I hope it can respond appropriately. (Thoughts typed in the immediate period after the statement on the Hillsborough disaster. Put on the blog as an opportunity to offload). I hope the families and all those involved with the Hillsborough report can find justice and peace.

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